Rainbow Serpent and Texas impact crater

Record of Asteroid debris caused increased level of Iridium and platinum.

Earth entered debris trail of massive comet

In addition, Impact Craters: Large meteorite or Asteroid impacts on the Earth's surface can lead to the concentration of iridium and platinum. Upon impact, the meteorites vaporising and melts, and disperses the PGE material into the surrounding area. This impact-derived material can contain high concentrations of iridium and platinum, as meteorites themselves often have elevated levels of PGEs. Over time, the impact-derived material, along with the iridium and platinum, can accumulate in sedimentary layers, forming deposits that can be mined. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE SEEING IN THE TEXAS BEDS IN TEXAS AND WARWICK.

What is the significance of the Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent in Australian geological history?

The Aboriginal legend of the serpent god varies among different Indigenous Australian cultures. Serpent or rainbow serpent motifs are common in the mythologies of many Aboriginal tribes, but the specific origins and interpretations of the serpent god can differ.

One well-known example is the creation story of the Rainbow Serpent, which is widespread among various Aboriginal groups. According to this legend, the Rainbow Serpent is responsible for creating and shaping the landscapes, waterways, and even some of the animals. It is often associated with the cycle of life, fertility, and sometimes seen as a protector or punisher.

It's important to note that Aboriginal legends and spiritual beliefs have been passed down orally through generations, which makes it challenging to pinpoint a single source or a definitive version of the serpent god legend. These stories serve as a way to explain natural phenomena, convey cultural knowledge, and provide a connection to the land and ancestral spirits.

The Serpent or Snake Gods appear in old cultures across the planet. From the inka's to Nth American Indian cultures to Turkey or Malta caused these cultures to depict Serpents coming from the sky. The generally accepted interpretation today is that these representations are astronomical in nature and depict meteor or Asteroid occurrences. This would suggest then, that these ancient cultures were exposed to and then, drew or carved representations of such astronomical phenomenon.

Gosses Bluff Crater in the Southern NT Australia


Texas mine site


Silverspur Ore Crush