More Bias and Fake News Article from Mr England. Our MD's reply…

Dear Cameron,

I draw your attention to the highly defamatory article in your column in today's Australian.

I would refer you to several untrue statements made in reference to this article you wrote drawing as I say highly defamatory and incorrect assumptions that are without basis.

Firstly, I have no record of you contacting me unless it was that you deliberately waited until the massive negative weather event knocked out our communications and so it would not surprise me at all that you would publish an article at this difficult time!

Low lives tend to take opportunities when those they prey on have difficulties in their lives to attack and again you have exuded no class or fairness in your irresponsible recital of these false claims.

The second point I would make relates to your incorrect comments around the ability of Warwick Gold to Mine and explore in its Texas assets.

The issue of transfer of title was contemplated in the original design of the two company's transaction agreement. I will not labour the point other than to notify you that we expect a full retraction of this point and if we do not receive notice of the retraction, we will pursue the matter for Damages! The issue you face is you 1. Did not speak to me before publishing this irresponsible article and secondly, 2. I believe you deliberately knew your recent commentary was incorrect and that in fact, WGH does have the ability to both mine and explore on our Texas Tenements as they stand. The final approvals from the DMRE are in process and will be seen through in the early new year.

How you can justify making such a totally false and irresponsible statement knowing the damage this would cause to our group is as I professionally and deliberately designed to damage our company and you will be held to account for this deliberate defamatory attack on WGH.

Finally, Cameron, you need to begin to write about WGH with the facts we have shared in our news updates which shows clearly where we establish the comments made in our investor updates. I suppose its difficult for you to be objective when your partner Freer is in Jail on the count of the 17 matters of fraud. Maybe you don't want to self-incriminate yourself but, our research shows a clear line to you.

I wonder why would you not want to openly disclose this personal relationship but, this will be well evidenced shortly. 

I wish you well in your new career Cameron maybe writing for the Talgai Chronicle where we can pull some strings and get you an inside running on the local staff as a story boy carrying boxes of unwanted spam stories to the waste paper bin. More than you deserve under the circumstances.

The issue for you Cameron is if you have backed the wrong horse here (which you have) then, your life and reputation will be destroyed not by us but, by the fact we have done something really incredible and against all the odds including your misleading and negative recital of our facts and changed history in your articles which are easy to see as one sided and biased.

The final point you made about an investor who has invested over $1.0m having fears that his investment as being lost can only be 1 person. We know him as Rob. Unfortunately, for you Cameron he has been in contact with us recently wanting stock in both Impact Gold and Warwick Gold. Not a very good correlation to your comments about him in your story? Again Cameron, when will you start reporting the facts and not the lies you manufacture!

So be it Cameron, we must all live and die by the swords we swing and your sword is already well tainted with illicit and false FAKE news about our hard working and innovative group. 

Maybe when these two mines are in production in Q1 2023 you will come and eat a little humble pie off the WGH and IGL plates.

All the best,

David Catsoulis MD


Deficiencies and lies again from this appallingly negative article from Journalist England


The Texas Mine site recalibration of the Texas Beds in Queensland