Letter to the editor

Ms Michelle Gunn

The Editor-in-chief

The Australian Newspaper

2 Holt St, 

Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

By email : letters@theaustralian.com.au

Cc: business@theaustralian.com.au

Subject: Concerns about Non-Factual and Defamatory articles written by Cameron England

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the non-factual, biased and defamatory articles written by a journalist within your organisation, Mr. Cameron England (Adelaide Office), Finance Editor for The Australian Newspaper, with regard to our exploration company's interests in the Texas Silver mines, where we have extensive land holdings in SW Queensland and in relation to our PNG operations based in the remote village of Maprik, ESP, PNG. It has come to my attention that these articles not only display a clear negative bias against our 2 companies and their exploration endeavours for critical and precious metals but, also contain certain deliberate inaccuracies and misleading information, ultimately damaging our shareholders' value and potential business opportunities for financing options and other future structuring. We have been seriously damaged by these articles in our ability to raise new capital and or had approved capital raisings dismissed due to such inaccurate and or undue media attention. These activities and articles by Mr. England have caused our group enormous distress which seems to be his intention and we have had to avoid several recent capital loan repayments going bad for which the funds were already to go however, were pulled at the last minute due directly and in part to lenders becoming nervous over such articles published by Mr. England. We had to step in as a management team and draw down on exisiting lines of credit to avoid these 2 companies from being financially destroyed by some of the 6 articles written by Cameron to date over the past year. This would seem to be a bit unfair and over zealous journalism on his behalf to say the least. After all he is not God nor a Judge in the Australian judicial legal system and yet his reporting standards would suggest that he has a personal belief and claim to being both? This is in my humble opinion a very dangerous person to hold such power in the Australian.


While I clearly understand the importance of objective reporting, it is very disheartening to see the excessive and belittling attention given to our company and projects through an unhealthy fascination by Mr. England's consistent negative portrayal of our high level, technically excellent work and geological evaluation of these projects and any ongoing development activities are as being hampered by this journalist and his fascination which has raised significant doubts among our shareholders, potential investors and partners, impacting in our ability to attract new support for our world-class resources. This dubious attention is therefore unfairly hindering our development potential and ultimately thwarts the growth of the Australian mining sector for junior. Companies such as ours.


What is even more concerning is that, our own investigations into the potential motives for this excessive journalistic attention would seem to be due to a connection between Mr.England, Jaydeep Biswas (a famous fraudster who has been stopped by ASIC from acting as a Company Director for 12 years and also living in Adelaide), Declan Barnett (a former associate of our group, who was raising capital for our team and then disappeared later to be found that he was taking in private funds on the basis of investing in our company's but, was in fact funding his own acquisition of a private A$2.0M residence on the NSW Coast and who now is a close associate of Biswas) and finally a connection to Mark Freer (who is a disbarred former lawyer and currently incarcerated in Adelaide and on 17 charges of fraud). A number of Barnett's former friends and associates have now come to me claiming to have been defrauded by Barnett and that he (Barnett) deliberately misled them as to the real status of their current proposition in our company (zero holding) and our operations culminating in the Fraudulent "McCarthy letter" authored and drafted by Barnett himself under a fake or pseudonym and deliberated designed for "his people" to send to a number of Australian agencies such as ASIC and your own esteemed paper. The idea of this 'letter to ASIC' scam was to destabilise our two company's. With the immediate aim of after destabilising our group and setting up a 'smoke screen' by which Barnett could hide behind his own fraudulent activities and then with the the establishment the negative media campaign against our group and ASIC knocking to unfold a new campaign to takeover our group and the high value projects we have discovered. The investigation into our Group by ASIC has come to nothing and Barnett has a number of legal cases against him and pending to go and despite his nefarious group having been very successful in their undermining campaign to date its now time with this new evidence in hand to take remedial action. Cameron England has somehow been lured into this same, illicit Group "on the basis of a good story" and this weird little trio of a group of fraudsters, has enticed groups like ASIC and your own Media Organisation to be seduced into being foils, used to try to damage and undermine our company efforts to develop a major precious metals play in Australia and in PNG. So with their intent of "bringing us to our knees" according to one of the shareholders formerly taken in by this group, they (Biswas, Barnett and Freer) had the secondary goal of "swooping on in using one of their new "Scam Structures" (supposed a Crypto Play) called Inceptcoin, Incept Holdings and or Astra Resources. As a former CEO of Astra Mining Ltd (Biswas was disbarred from acting as a company Director for 12 years in Astra Mining which is now defunct). A lot of this history on Biswas seems to have been deliberately removed from the WEB AND ITS CERTAINLY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST THAT THEY SHOULD KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM AND HIS CURRENT ACTIVITIES. 


On a separate note, my family and I have been defrauded by him (Biswas) for $3.3M and this maybe another one of his motives in this sick and demented attack process where these same 3 people are also responsible for doctoring my own daughters social media page with with fake, pornographic imagery on a replica site. This attacked destroyed our family and my daughters confidence in life as she suffers from Chronic Renal Disease (CRD) and lives only by daily dialysis routine and her social media site was her life.


Our company and my family have done nothing wrong and along with our dedicated team of professionals, has made substantial efforts to responsibly explore and document the full precious metals potential of the Texas Silver mines in SW Qld. Through years of hard work and $$ millions in investment, we have established these prospects using world class geophysical technologies as a valuable resource, embodying significant economic and environmental benefits for the region and the 2 nations of PNG and Australia at large. Regrettably, Mr. England's articles fail to adequately highlight our enormous achievements, new discoveries and instead focusing solely on the biased perspectives and presenting of our work in an unfavourable, demeaning light. We would like you to fairly consider what we have discovered in these 2 new and very challenging mineral terrains with these precious metals discoveries, leading to a host of new wealth creating opportunities in medical research, metals research institutes focussed on new age technologies in Solar, energy and battery storage solutions and the potential for new jobs in these remote Australian and PNG economies and communities which are all being jeopardised by such actions.


I request that you thoroughly review the articles in question and assess their accuracy and fairness in portraying our company's true interests. It is important to evaluate whether they have met the journalistic standards of your esteemed publication. Biased reporting hampers the integrity of any news outlet and undermines public trust in the information presented. I would refer you to the latest article of Mr. England where he refers to the ASIC investigation in the last paragraphs and after outlining that his investigation into the ASIC matter showed that ASIC had, 'NO COMMENT' after which he refers to himself (Mr.England) having received a copy of a ASIC complaint letter, given to him from an unknown source and for which he says, that the letter is a ASIC Complaint against our group. We now have a copy of the same, so-called 'complaint letter' which is the 'Fake complaint letter' as outlined above and drafted by Declan Barnett's for his people to send to ASIC and who were lured into investing into one of our two companies and for which Barnett kept these funds. It is now proven via documents in our possession and the testimony of several of Barnett's former friend and associates that he was the author of the ASIC complaint letter. Our lawyers at this time, wrote to the sender "McCarthy" a supposed legal associate so as to advise him to 'Cease-and-Desist' and the order from our company solicitors email address bounced back indicating that the used to send the document was actually a fake or terminated email address and that given the communication had bounced back then the spurious content of the letter was also compromised. Further investigations showed that no such person actually existed in any law firm in or around Brisbane and that the physical address provided for the law firm was also fake.


I kindly therefore urge you to address this matter promptly and consider taking appropriate editorial oversight to ensure more fair and accurate reporting on our two company's and our activities is afforded to us. Our stakeholders, including our dedicated management team, shareholders, and potential new investors, deserve transparent and unbiased coverage of the facts. We have fought off these latest problems caused by Barnett, Biswas, Freer and now Mr. England because we have projects founded on the best geological principles and latest world class technologies and not articles generated by such dubiously investigated and fake documents for which Mr England seems to rely upon. Should this all now be proven to be the case by the SAPOL and their senior investigator now looking into the case and then Mr. England will be subject to further investigation and his role in the process and whether using fraudulent documents to cause economic harm will be deemed a viable claim for the company to make in a court of law. 



Should you require any additional information or perspective on our projects and their potential, I would be more than willing to provide it. We value open dialogue and strive for transparency and cooperation with all stakeholders. I would also happily provide you with the affidavits, emails and correspondence from shareholders and former associates of Barnett, Freer and Biswas. We want the said people to this fraud held responsible and brought to justice.


For the information provided to SAPOL - The Serious Fraud Investigation Section in the South Australia Police their own investigation into this matter will be on going and we welcome this attention on the basis that Mr. England may have a undisclosed affiliation with Mr Freer's family member. I want to be clear with you that we have taken this matter very seriously and are pursuing it to a logical and clinical conclusion. Part of the reason for this was I have been defamed previously many years ago in your paper by a Ghost writer who hid in the shadows while all of the good work my MEDICAL company had done in working with QLD  UNIVERSITY in discovering a cure to Medullary Cystic Disease a rare CRD which also afflicted my daughter was undermined and destroyed by a similar reckless article which was deficient in reciting of the facts and in this case we will not lie down and so as to speak take the medicine dished out by ill informed people with a specific agenda. In the previous case a jewell of medical science was lost to the annuls of medical science because of the bias reporting of a Jounalist associated with Jason Akermanis. Had it not been for Akermanis etal back in the day my daughter would have a normal life now with 2 functioning kidneys...!!

So I thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to rectify the situation and ensure that there is a more objective reporting standard applied on matters concerning our two company's in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

David Catsoulis MD

Warwick Gold Holdings Pty Ltd

M 0474725057




 Attachment : Appendix 1 - ASIC Extract on Biswas and Astra Resources Activities 




Silverspur Ore Crush


WGH Chief Geologist Inspecting PGE’s