Geological Scepticism and Ridicule

A note to our shareholders — I relate to people who challenge the status quo. People like the well known author Graham Hancock, best known for his work “Fingerprints of the Gods'', who made the fantastic Discovery of a former green microclimate, hidden beneath the ice sheets of Antarctica who through studying the sediments beneath these ice sheets discovered a sub glacial river. By following the work of such ridiculed ground breaking researchers, we can only then learn valuable lessons about the earth's past. Our land is much more complex than we have ever imagined and such work as Graham Hancocks and even our own has unearthed a complex tapestry of living breathing entities with their own evolutionary stories which are yet to be told.

Old Silverspur Head frame and Mine in Texas, Qld


Having this pension for the extraordinary and unconventional, which in my opinion should be applauded and encouraged, rather than being the subject of small minded scepticism and ridicule. What captures the world's imagination are theories of hidden wealth derived from work of pioneers using advanced technology based on discoveries such as those we have made in PNG and in the Texas Beds in SW Queensland. Using these radical new technologies, for which some people with limited geological thinking or knowledge and which I refer to as still set in the geological dark ages and for which some are ignorant, we have made great strides in the industry. I therefore ask the open minded and informed among you to look up ”Resonance Frequency Devices” and to gain the required knowledge and insights into the background of the technology that we have used and accessed in the past ensuring the basis of our companies propositions to our investors and for which it may enlighten you and your imagination as to what is possible in this industry.


Silverspur Mine rock showing over 1kg per tonne Iridium from XRF Gun analysis


I am a man who is unafraid to challenge the status quo for the exploration and mining industry and I am using existing knowledge, technology and resources which are at my disposal to generate such incredible results – in so doing, what we have found has surpassed our wildest expectations. This is what such new age scientific research and analysis can bring to the world of Geology. Studying meteorites and asteroids and their impacts on the world can release mysteries and secrets about what is about to be unravelled by our two groups to the world and such impacts are always a source of great mineral enriched areas on the earth. The best known example is the Sunbury Crater / Basin in Ontario, Canada. The scientists, geologists and other experts who have studied this impact crater at great depth, understand that mineral resources which are derived from this impact crater and which have very similar mineralisation profiles to that which we have now found in PNG and Texas in Queensland.


Pulverised Silverspur sample shows 97kgs per tonne silver and 799g gold per tonne


One interesting fact is that, one of the only metals ever found in the earth and which is associated with impact craters is iridium. We have found an enormous iridium signature in our PNG and Texas projects and this work underscores the well known and most recent, Earth's major Asteroid impact in the Cretaceous Paleogene, known as the "KPG event" which occurred around 66m years ago and was marked by a massive asteroid impact and resulted in the end of the Cretaceous ”hothouse climate” which lead to the gradual cooling of the Earth's climate and the extinction of around 75% of Earth's animal species. 


Silverspur Mine pulverised same# 57. Gold result 747 g/t and silver 94,5000 g/t derived from XRF Gun analysis


Techno-Geophysically speaking, sensing instruments such as gravimeter, gravitational wave sensor and magnetometers detect fluctuations in the gravitational and magnetic fields within the earth. The data collected from such geophysical surveys is analysed to draw meaningful geological conclusions by analysing the spectral density and the time-frequency localisation of any signal is important in determining targets for resource development. Using such geophysical technologies as resonance frequency geo technology (RFGT), magnetic imaging, remote sensing, ground penetrating radar and other sensing instruments we are able to collect raw data from such geophysical surveys which are then analysed to draw our final conclusions on the target resources we have discovered. The other evidence we have for such an Asteroid hypothesis is found in the presence of rounded, teardrop shaped Zircon – Zircon is a naturally occurring element found in many different locations around the earth. Zircon's normal mineralogy shows up as quite sharp edges and angular shapes; so to turn Zircon to these rounded edges means you must incur a huge increase in temperatures over 4000 degrees celsius. This is indicative of an impact scenario which also backs up our hypothesis. It's now our job to finalise the collection of this empirical evidence database and then to share this information with our management team, investors and technical associates such as SRK in Brisbane and Perth and the JK Institute at QId University which is part of the detective team and ground work we are currently undertaking.


We are blessed to have been able to have acquired tenures organically and inorganically for which these tenures in these remote areas are derived as a result of searching out these impact sites. Only via our  systematic, scientific research process of elimination over these 2 major RFGT identified exploration areas and backed by evidence of Impact craters through the presence of iridium which suggests that we can only have discovered what can be referred to as a ‘2 massive meteor’ or asteroid impact craters are we then blessed with such high grades of precious metals. This isn't a work of fiction as the facts are there and despite facing scrutiny of the industry and rogue journalism standards, which are biassed and unrelenting upon myself and the company, we will work together with our associates and management team and will persevere and prove to the world that our methods are not only rigorous and effective but ultimately the way of the future for the geological exploration industry.


I urge our investors and associates who know and understand these facts to stay the course and watch this space as we deliver the most incredible results based outcomes for which a senior mining leader in the Australian resources sector has recently commented that “If we are able to bring off these outcomes as relayed then, this will be the greatest and most significant resource discovery in Australia's history”.

David Catsoulis

Senior Resources Analyst

WGH / IGL Group



High Grade PGE’s Discovered in Texas QLD